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Retreat Program

Prep's Retreats provide a great opportunity to step away from our demanding lives where we reflect, reconnect, and build within ourselves, our brothers, and in Christ.Malachi Streeter '25

Freshman Year: "Finding God In All Things"

On this one-day retreat, students reflect on their experience at Georgetown Prep as they explore what it means to be a student at a Jesuit school. While hiking along the Appalachian Trail, students are invited to consider the Jesuit motto “Finding God in All Things,” while participating in small group discussions centered on the themes of self-awareness, spirituality and service.

hike group

During the day, I reflected a lot on my actions and how they affect those around me. Hiking through the woods helped me realize that my actions reach farther than just the things around me. This hike helped me become more conscience of how my actions affect the world.Oscar Echevarria '26

Sophomore Year: "The Grad at Grad Values"

The goal of this overnight retreat is to lead the sophomores to reflect on the five “Grad at Grad” values of a Jesuit education. Through a series of peer led discussions and talks, as well as various activities themed on each of the Grad at Grad values, students delve deeper into the meaning of Jesuit education and how to be of service to the world.

Junior Year: "Putting Love into Action"

The four-day junior retreat, Kairos, encourages the student to examine his life through the relationships he has experienced. The retreat challenges the student to deeper self-examination than previous retreats. Many students long remember Kairos as the highlight of their Prep experience.

Senior Year: "Living the Fourth"

During this overnight retreat, seniors focus on three key questions: Where have I been? Where am I now? Where am I going? As students reflect on their challenges and successes in “Living the Fourth,” particular attention will be paid to the Kairos and summer service experiences and to imagining what it means to live out of these experiences in life beyond Georgetown Prep.


Love in Action Leadership Program

The Love in Action Leadership Program (LIA) consists of approximately 30-40 chosen seniors. These seniors serve as Big Brothers to incoming freshmen. In addition, they may serve as leaders on retreats, including Kairos, participate in service events, and help plan liturgies. LIA members lead Ignatian meditations for the school community including Examens, and gather once a month during lunch periods to grow spiritually as leaders and to plan upcoming events.