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Mission & Ministry

Immersion Trip

Ignatian spirituality challenges us to encounter God in all things, witnessing to the joy of the Gospel. We go forth into the world as contemplatives in action, discerning God’s desire for our lives here, now, and acting on God’s invitation.

Mission & Ministry at Georgetown Prep purposefully designs activities to help students learn the fundamental principles of Ignatian spirituality.

Since the founding of the first Jesuit college in 1548, Jesuit education has placed great emphasis on the spiritual formation of each student. Today, Georgetown Prep continues preparing students to lead meaningful lives as leaders in the professions, the arts, government and the Church.
A combination of religious studies, retreats, personal and communal prayer, the celebration of the Eucharist, and opportunities to engage in service, allows each student to explore his own personal relationship with God. At the same time, our spiritual life programs encourage students to cultivate bonds with classmates, faculty and members of the greater Prep community.


Kairos 94


Freshmen Hiking Retreat



St Ignatius

Principles of Ignatian Spirituality

God in All Things

God is present in all human existence. The world and all it contains reveals God to us. It was out of this conviction that Ignatius became known as an “incarnation mystic,” a “contemplative in action.”

AMDG, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

For the Greater Glory of God; and Magis, more. For most people decisions involve a choice from among various goods. AMDG reminds us that we are called to seek that which will give greater glory, i.e., what is most especially conducive to the praise, worship and service of God. The magis is not a question of doing more, but of carefully discerning what is especially fitting in the service of God. #AMDG

The Call of the King

Christ calls each one of us to offer our unique talents and gifts in the service of God and God’s kingdom. This call is personal. Each person has a unique mission; each is summoned by God by name.

Ignatian Discernment

God’s voice can be discerned most clearly by a careful examination of one’s deepest, most authentic desires. God’s voice can also be discerned in a group setting: prayerful consideration of the movements of the Spirit in the group’s ongoing work, conversation, prayer, etc.

Cura Personalis

This phrase can be paraphrased as: “The person in front of me is the most important person in the world.” Cura Personalis is the attentive concern given to each individual; taking into consideration that person’s whole self: body, mind and soul. No aspect of what it means to be human ought to be neglected. This principle also implies that a human being must never be treated as a means to an end, but is always to be treated with respect as an individual man or woman, made in God’s image and likeness.