Consent Preferences Parent Engagement | Georgetown Preparatory School Skip To Main Content

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Parent Engagement

Gala 2024

Parents play a significant role in their sons’ growth and success at Prep and are an important part of the Prep community. In keeping with Prep’s Jesuit mission, a healthy partnership between parents and the school can only benefit the boys in their work ethic, attitudes about school, and academic performance. 

There are many ways for parents to show their support for Prep and their sons. Prep has a very active Parents’ Club. 

The main goals of the Georgetown Prep Parents’ Club are to enhance the school community and to support the role of parents in reinforcing Prep’s mission––forming our sons to be men of competence, conscience, courage, and compassion; men of faith and men for others

All Prep parents and guardians are members of the Parents’ Club, and are invited and encouraged to participate in the many activities offered throughout the year. Events are planned at both the class level and for the parent community as a whole.
The Parents’ Club Executive Committee works hard to plan many events, including the Mother’s Tea, Father’s Social, Mother-Son and Father-Son Mass and Luncheon. 
The Parents’ Club also works with Prep’s administrators to host grade level Parent Education meetings where topics such as college recruitment, exam prep and nutrition and health are presented. 
Ways to Get Involved

  1. Participate in events sponsored by the Parents’ Club. Dates for all these events are noted on the school calendar. Contact the Committee co-chairs or your class representative for more information.  
  2. There are also many opportunities for parents to volunteer their time, resources, and talents. Volunteering is a great way to get to know other parents, faculty and staff, and members of the administration who are all part of our diverse but close-knit community.
  3. Consider making a gift to The PREP Fund. Generations of Prep students have benefitted from the generosity of alumni, parents, past parents and grandparents who have made the school a priority in their philanthropic giving.
New Parent Reception

New Parent Reception

Mothers Tea

Mother's Tea

Mothers Brunch

Mother Son Mass and Brunch


Annual Spring Gala