AMDG, the motto of the Society of Jesus, is a Latin acronym for
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the Greater Glory of God).
Jesuit Mission and Identity
Jesuit Education is based on a 500-year-old tradition that aims to form high school and college students intellectually, morally, and spiritually toward lives of solidarity, service, and professional success. The values of Jesuit education are rooted in the vision of St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuit Order, which prepare our students for their next step in their life journey as men for others. The vision for Jesuit education is shared by more than 50 other Jesuit high schools in the United States.
As a Catholic school, Prep helps young men to grow in their faith and understanding of the teachings of the Church and to learn to put their faith into action in the service of others. We welcome students of all faiths, believing that conscious reflection on one’s faith, whatever it may be, leads to spiritual maturity and a commitment to serve others.
Jesuit education centers on the education of the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. This is accomplished through cura personalis (Latin for personalized care and concern for the individual) and through a holistic curriculum.
This family crest of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, was created in fused glass by former Georgetown Prep teacher Don Cheeseman.
Our Catholic Jesuit Mission
Georgetown Prep's mission is to form men of competence, conscience, courage and compassion; men of faith and men for and with others.
Years of Tradition Behind Jesuit Educational Excellence
Jesuit Global Network of Schools: Educating Men and Women For and with Others
Part of a Network of More than 80 Secondary and Pre-secondary Jesuit Institutions in North America
Across the United States, there are 62 Jesuit high schools and 27 Jesuit colleges and universities